Mahane Yehuda Outdoor Market, Jerusalem
When you visit Israel, be sure to let your guide know you want time to explore the outdoor market of Mahane Yehuda in Jerusalem.
Visit Israel: Cafes and Restaurants
There are charming cozy cafes inside the open air market, as well as top quality (albeit, casual) restaurants. You can time your visit for late in the afternoon and then end the tour at one of the restaurants. Alternatively, arrive mid-morning and sip a latte or espresso with a croissant or other pastry at an outdoor cafe. Check out award-winning Machneyuda for fresh, Mediterranean fare, located at 10 Beit Yaakov St. Reservations suggested: 053-809.4897.
Visit Israel and Buy Ritual Objects
If you want to return home with religious articles, Jerusalem’s open air market is an excellent place to source a kippah (men’s head covering), shofar (ram’s horn typically blown during the High Holidays, but also used at weddings to announce the bride and groom), ritual hand washing cups in a variety of materials, prayer shawls, mezzuzot to put on door posts (a perfect house warming gift) and kosher gummy worm candies (not a ritual object, but worth noting). I have also seen prayer books, Scroll of Esther encased in a wooden tube, challah covers for the Sabbath as well as ritual kiddush cups.
In the springtime when Passover falls, there are Afikomen bags and matza covers (as well as Matza, of course).
In early autumn, find many types of Sukkah – the ritual booth where observant Jews eat and dwell for 7 or 8 days. In Israel, the Sukkah is popular among non-observant Jews as well. During this season, vendors will sell the lulav and etrog, and decorations for the Sukkah.
In winter, find menorahs for the holiday of Chanukah, and in late winter, vendors will sell saplings and seeds to plant trees for the holiday of Tu B’Shvat (New Year of the Trees).